Move On in Action

¿Qué dicen nuestros alumnos y alumnas que estudian en el verano?

El aprendizaje del inglés se convirtió en una meta educativa prioritaria para muchos estudiantes, y el verano se erige como un momento ideal para consolidar y ampliar estas habilidades lingüísticas. En este blog, nos sumergiremos en las experiencias de nuestros alumnos y alumnas que optan por dedicar parte de sus vacaciones al estudio idioma.

“For me is great because if I practice all summer I don’t forget everything that I’ve learnt, and then it is easier to understand conversations and listenings.” -Mer

“La verdad, creo que no está bueno cortar las clases para no perder el ritmo de aprendizaje, y además si uno corta a veces comienza a poner excusas para no volver.” –Emilia

“It helps to practice during the summer especially when we need to talk with Americans or international clients. In my case, I’m more fluid when I have English classes in parallel. Also, there is less risk of forgetting things and starting over again after the holidays.” –Ana

“Principalmente es la práctica, porque falté dos clases y sentí la falta. Si tenés la posibilidad de seguir, te ayuda a seguir enfocado” –Nico

“From my point of view it assures that we keep studying in a continuous way despite having to reschedule classes. Another advantage is that it gives you more time to clear doubts or learn more vocabulary.” -Fran B

“En mi opinión no perder el ritmo me ha ayudado a avanzar muchísimo más que cuando tomaba clases esporádicamente” –Federico

“The advantage of continuing with English classes during summer is to be able to study without interruptions.” –Majo

“Los beneficios de estudiar en el verano: no perder el ritmo de clases, no perder mi horario, por ahí uno dispone de un poco más de tiempo” –Franco

“I think is good because we have more free time and we can study and rest a lot. We are also less stressed so we can enjoy more the classes.” -Vicky

“La continuidad. El aprovechar que uno está más relajado y se tiene más tiempo para dedicarle al idioma.” –Mica

“Summer is a lovely time to start something. MoveOn gives me the chance to study in summer which is a plus for me because I work in a place where I have meetings with English speaking people all the time. And the family activities slow down so it’s easier for me to take the classes.” –Gabi

“If you want to travel, it is better for you to practice the language.” –Vicky

“Consistency.  If I stopped over the summer, it would be more difficult to start again, and I would lose precious time.” –Pauli

“I think the benefit is that I have less responsibilities so I can study more.” –Nati

“To keep you occupied. In the summer, you have less work, and it is good to keep doing some activity. Also, if you travel or meet people from another country is good to be prepared.” -Juli

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